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Harvesting and cashing out of Sushi

This script will harvest pending rewards from a series of SushiSwap farms and then swap the $SUSHI and $GNO rewards to XDAI.

The current pool yielding rewards and the reward rate on Sushi might change, and so might the minimum price of the tokens you want to swap. Therefore, check out current prices and pools on Sushiswap before running the script to avoid MEV loss or transaction failure.

The minimum price effectively decides how much slippage you will accept.

# Switch to Gnosis Chain and define the two smart contracts we will use
switch 100
set $sushiFarm 0xdDCbf776dF3dE60163066A5ddDF2277cB445E0F3
set $sushiswap 0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506

# Minimum price of SUSHI we will accept - current is $1.20 in this example
set $sushiXDaiPrice (1.20e18 * 95 / 100)

# Minimum price of GNO we will accept - current is $92.68 in this example
set $gnosisXDaiPrice (92.68e18 * 95 / 100)

# Farms on sushi that we have staked LP tokens
exec $sushiFarm harvest(uint256,address) 0 @me # USDC / WXDAI
exec $sushiFarm harvest(uint256,address) 1 @me # WETH / WBTC
exec $sushiFarm harvest(uint256,address) 5 @me # USDT / WXDAI

# Paths of Liquidity Pools we will go through (SUSHI -> GNO -> XDAI and GNO -> XDAI respectively)
set $sushiPath [0x2995D1317DcD4f0aB89f4AE60F3f020A4F17C7CE, 0x9C58BAcC331c9aa871AFD802DB6379a98e80CEdb, 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d]
set $gnoPath [0x9C58BAcC331c9aa871AFD802DB6379a98e80CEdb, 0xe91D153E0b41518A2Ce8Dd3D7944Fa863463a97d]

# Approve tokens to be swapped
exec @token(SUSHI) approve(address,uint256) $sushiswap @token.balance(SUSHI,@me)
exec @token(GNO) approve(address,uint256) $sushiswap @token.balance(GNO,@me)

# Swap harvested tokens for xDAI
exec $sushiswap swapExactTokensForETH(uint256,uint256,address[],address,uint256) @token.balance(SUSHI,@me) (@token.balance(SUSHI,@me) * ($sushiXDaiPrice) / 1e18) $sushiPath @me @date(now,+10m)
exec $sushiswap swapExactTokensForETH(uint256,uint256,address[],address,uint256) @token.balance(GNO,@me) (@token.balance(GNO,@me) * ($gnosisXDaiPrice) / 1e18) $gnoPath @me @date(now,+10m)

Harvesting, locking, and voting on Curve

This script will harvest your pending CRV rewards, lock them for 12 weeks (minting veCRV in the process), and then use them to vote on the gauge for the 3pool LP, thus increasing its rewards allocation. It engages with three critical pieces of Curve's smart contract system.

  • The minter contract for the CRV token - this mints CRV based on your pending rewards from having provided liquidity to a rewards-eligible pool on Curve.
  • Voter Escrow CRV (veCRV) handles minting veCRV from locking up your CRV for a period of time. The longer the lockup, the more veCRV you earn.
  • Gauge controller - Manages the allocations of users voting weight on all rewards-eligible curve pools. Users assign a percentage of their voting weight (veCRV) to specific gauges (pools), and the more voting weight, the greater the rewards to those gauges.
  • 3pool (USDT, USDC, DAI) Gauge - The gauge for the most popular curve pool, 3pool stables. Voting for this gauge increases rewards for users who provided liquidity to the corresponding pool.
# Switch to mainnet
switch 1

# Set variables for curve contracts
set $curveMinter 0xd061D61a4d941c39E5453435B6345Dc261C2fcE0
set $curveVoterEscrow 0x5f3b5DfEb7B28CDbD7FAba78963EE202a494e2A2
set $3poolGauge 0x762648808EF8B25C6D92270b1C84Ec97dF3bED6B
set $gaugeController 0x2F50D538606Fa9EDD2B11E2446BEb18C9D5846bB
set $veCRV 0x5f3b5DfEb7B28CDbD7FAba78963EE202a494e2A2

# Harvest, mint, lock, and vote!
exec $curveMinter mint(address) $3poolGauge
exec @token(CRV) approve(address,uint256) $curveVoterEscrow @token.balance(CRV,@me)
exec $curveVoterEscrow create_lock(uint256,uint256) @token.balance(CRV,@me) @date(now,+12w)
exec $gaugeController vote_for_gauge_weights(address,uint256) $3poolGauge 10000

Creating leveraged positions on AAVE v3

This script will deposit and consecutively borrow an asset on AAVE, then repeat the process again with the available borrowed assets. The purpose of this script is to create a leveraged borrowing position, maximizing the lend and borrow APYs to earn more yield. The amounts calculated in the leverage variables are made to keep your borrowing level under the liquidation threshold.


This operation is hazardous. It is here only for educational purposes. Do not be a degen, and this is not financial advice.

switch 137
set $token.tokenlist

# Define the lending pool contract on Polygon
set $aaveLendingPoolV3 0x794a61358d6845594f94dc1db02a252b5b4814ad

# Get initial token balance
set $myWMATIC @token.balance(WMATIC,@me)

# Set borrow amount to adjust for WMATIC's max borrow threshold
set $leverageOne ($myWMATIC * 65 / 100)

# Adjust the amount of the next leverage for the health factor
set $leverageTwo ($leverageOne * 65 / 101)
set $leverageThree ($leverageTwo * 65 / 101)

# Total sum of WMATIC deposited for approval
set $approveAmount ($myWMATIC + $leverageOne + $leverageTwo + $leverageThree)

# Realize the operations of supplying and borrowing alternatively
exec @token(WMATIC) approve(address,uint256) $aaveLendingPoolV3 $approveAmount
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 supply(address,uint256,address,uint16) @token(WMATIC) @token.balance(WMATIC,@me) @me 0
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 borrow(address,uint256,uint256,uint16,address) @token(WMATIC) $leverageOne 2 0 @me
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 supply(address,uint256,address,uint16) @token(WMATIC) $leverageOne @me 0
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 borrow(address,uint256,uint256,uint16,address) @token(WMATIC) $leverageTwo 2 0 @me
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 supply(address,uint256,address,uint16) @token(WMATIC) $leverageTwo @me 0
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 borrow(address,uint256,uint256,uint16,address) @token(WMATIC) $leverageThree 2 0 @me
exec $aaveLendingPoolV3 supply(address,uint256,address,uint16) @token(WMATIC) $leverageThree @me 0

Using Aave v2

Suppose you want to use Aave v2 instead for performing scripts on mainnet (at the time of writing, Aave Mainnet still uses v2 contracts). In that case, you should note that the supply function is named deposit - however, it takes in the same parameters. You can write it in full like this:
