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Deploying a multisig to many chains with Gnosis Safe

When you spin up a Gnosis Safe Multisig on a particular chain, it has its unique contract address. However, if you want to create the same multisig on another chain, it will be given a different address. However, there is a way to deploy a multisig to many chains with the same contract address. EVMcrispr makes it easy!

Steps to get your deploymentData
  1. Deploy a Gnosis Safe on any chain, or find the Gnosis Safe contract you wish to duplicate onto other chains.
  2. Find the transaction that created the Gnosis Safe using the Gnosis Safe Factory.
  3. Copy the raw transaction data and paste it in place of the `deploymentData` variable in the script example below.
# This is the Gnosis Safe Factory contract. It is the same on every chain where Gnosis Safe is deployed.
set $gnosisFactory 0xa6B71E26C5e0845f74c812102Ca7114b6a896AB2

# This is the unique deployment data for a specific Gnosis Safe - you will need to replace this data.
set $deploymentData 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

# switch to Gnosis Chain
switch 100
raw $gnosisFactory $deploymentData

# switch to Polygon
switch 137
raw $gnosisFactory $deploymentData

# switch to Optimism
switch 10
raw $gnosisFactory $deploymentData

Creating a stream with Superfluid

This script will create a Superfluid flow for a given token. There are two examples one for creating a flow for a native token and the second for a typical ERC20 token. You can learn more about Superfluid here.

switch 100

# Contract to wrapped xDAI into a supertoken
set $SETHProxy 0x59988e47a3503aafaa0368b9def095c818fdca01

# Contract used for managing flows
set $CFAv1Forwarder 0xcfa132e353cb4e398080b9700609bb008eceb125

# Super token of xDAI
set $xDAIx 0x59988e47a3503aafaa0368b9def095c818fdca01

# Recipient
set $destination 0x8790B75CF2bd36A2502a3e48A24338D8288f2F15

# Upgrade 1 unit of the native token into a super (streamable) token
exec $SETHProxy upgradeByETH() --value 1e18

# Atart a flow of 1 native token per month to destination address
exec $CFAv1Forwarder createFlow(address,address,address,int96,bytes) $xDAIx @me $destination (1e18/1mo) 0x

# Stop the flow
exec $CFAv1Forwarder deleteFlow(address,address,address,bytes) $xDAIx @me $destination 0x
switch 100
set $token.tokenlist

# Gnosis Chain contract used for managing flows
set $CFAv1Forwarder 0xcfa132e353cb4e398080b9700609bb008eceb125

# SuperHoney token
set $HNYx 0xc0712524b39323eb2437e69226b261d928629dc8

# Recipient
set $destination 0x8790B75CF2bd36A2502a3e48A24338D8288f2F15

# Upgrade 1 HNY into super token
exec @token(HNY) approve(address,uint256) $HNYx 1e18
exec $HNYx upgrade(uint256) 1e18

# Start a flow of 1 HNY/month to destination address
exec $CFAv1Forwarder createFlow(address,address,address,int96,bytes) $HNYx @me $destination (1e18/1mo) 0x

# Stop the flow
exec $CFAv1Forwarder deleteFlow(address,address,address,bytes) $HNYx @me $destination 0x

Managing Roles and Access Control

Access Control allows for scoping permissions within smart contracts by assigning roles to specific external addresses or contracts. Contract admins can often assign these roles, allowing only certain entities to call particular functions. We can make this magic happen using EVMcrispr and the @id helper.

switch 100

load aragonos as ar
# define our contracts
set $distributorContract 0x18a46865AAbAf416a970eaA8625CFC430D2364A1
set $myDAOAgent 0x8ca46B4b9Bf0fa6Ba4bC528606B4cb101B3401A4

# grant distributor role and assign tokens to distribute
exec $distributorContract grantRole(bytes32,address) @id(DISTRIBUTOR_ROLE) $myDAOAgent
exec $distributorContract assign(address,uint256) $myDAOAgent 10000e18

# create a DAO vote to distribute tokens to specific addresses in specific amounts
ar:connect evmcrisprexampledao token-manager voting (
act $myDAOAgent $distributorContract allocateMany(address[],uint256[]) [0x865c2f85c9fea1c6ac7f53de07554d68cb92ed88,0x5d28fe1e9f895464aab52287d85ebff32b351674,0xed8db37778804a913670d9367aaf4f043aad938b] [1000e18, 2100e18, 900e18]

This example shows an implementation of a token distributor contract. The contract admin can assign a role for a given entity to distribute tokens held by the contract. We can use the @id helper to calculate the hash of any access control role of a given contract. In this case, we calculate the hash of the DISTRIBUTOR_ROLE and give it to a DAO agent. We assign the agent tokens to distribute and then connect to the DAO and create a vote to distribute tokens using allocateMany. You can find more information on Access Control in the OpenZeppelin documentation.

Conversely, we can revoke a role using revokeRole, for example:

exec $distributorContract revokeRole(bytes32,address) @id(DISTRIBUTOR_ROLE) $myDAOAgent